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  Herbed Gnocchi



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1 pound fresh or frozen gnocchi
6 ounces soft goat cheese
1 Tablespoon unsalted butter (optional)
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup fresh basil
2 Tablespoons fresh oregano
1 Tablespoon fresh thyme
4 fresh peppermint leaves (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Finely chop all herbs, combine together and chop again until very fine. Place in bottom of a
large ceramic bowl. Break up goat cheese and butter into small pieces on top of herbs.
Bring 4-6 quarts of water to boil in a large pot. Add gnocchi and cook until they float. Reserve
1 cup of starchy cooking water. Carefully drain gnocchi and add to herbs and cheeses in bowl.
Pour in 1/2 the reserved water and mix lightly until well-combined and creamy—it will work,
trust me! Add more water if sauce is sticky. Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper, if desired.
Serve immediately or cover for up to 15 minutes before serving.
Variation—Pasta—This recipe works with any favorite pasta. Just cook pasta to desired doneness,
reserve cooking water, drain and toss with herbs and cheese. Since the pasta is hot, you
will probably need all the reserved water to keep the sauce creamy. Serve immediately or the
pasta will absorb all the sauce and become sticky.
Variation—Vegies—Toss steamed vegies with herbs and cheese. The butter is optional with
this variation, and it needs less water, but you will probably need both salt and pepper.

Copyright © 2008 Stefanie Samara Hamblen